
Communicate Openly to Foster Trust

Transparent and authentic communication can help foster trust and start a dialogue. While D&I needs strong leadership, it can't be mandated from the top – you need to engage the whole organization.

Communicate to foster diversity and inclusion

The topic of D&I can elicit different responses across the organization. Those with a long-standing interest may be happy their company is more deeply involved. Others may feel ambivalent about, if not opposed to efforts in this area.

Finding the right way to communicate about diversity and inclusion is critical. When done well, communication motivates, informs, clarifies, softens resistance, offers a platform for exchange and, in turn, creates trust – the most important resource for enabling a culture change.

With our extensive experience in employee engagement, leadership communication and internal communication, we can help. We support your communications and employer branding specialists with the necessary expertise to increase the effectiveness of your diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Podcasts speak to the heart and mind

Podcasts are innovative tools to complement more traditional communication tactics. Rather than convey only facts, they use the power of stories and emotion to engage your internal audience – an ideal way to support the implementation of your D&I strategy.

This is why Re-Thinking Diversity has developed a unique offer: Inclusion Stories. You receive impactful audio formats that help you anchor the topic of diversity and inclusion internally while strengthening your employer brand. Find out more at

More solutions

Nurture an Inclusive Culture


Set Goals and Offer Impactful Training


Reduce Bias in People Decisions
